Making An Impact In The Lives' OF Long Covid Suffers.

Making An Impact

About Us

Our mission is to create the environment and resources to get people across the bridge from the post-COVID experience to a future filled with hope.


Holly Porter

The Real Long COVID Adventure

Holly reveals her months long coma experience in intensive care experiencing Long Covid. Shocked by the lack of support and knowledge from clinicians and organizations.

Holly launched to bring awareness, community, and respite for others. Holly's business brain fuels her to take action, and her heart calls her to give back while she still sees multiple

About Us

Our mission is to create the environment and resources to get people across the bridge from the post-COVID experience to a future filled with hope.


Holly Porter

Making wishes a reality


On October 16, 2022, the first wish was granted for Adventure Bucket Wish Foundation to Christina Tama-Sweet a three-time COVID survivor who got her wish granted by going  up in a hot air balloon. It was always on her bucket list to experience this. Adventure Bucket Wish Foundation is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit. We are future HOPE for Long COVID sufferers.

Listen To Our Podcast

Hopeful Horizons 

Making wishes a reality


On October 16, 2022, the first wish was granted for Adventure Bucket Wish Foundation to Christina Tama-Sweet a three-time COVID survivor who got her wish granted by going  up in a hot air balloon. It was always on her bucket list to experience this. Adventure Bucket Wish Foundation is a 501(c)3 Nonprofit. We are future HOPE for Long COVID sufferers.


Promoting health and well-being, supporting equitable access to healthcare, and helping individuals facing health-related challenges within society.


Raising awareness about long Covid, promoting research to better understand and treat the condition, advocating for accessible and comprehensive healthcare.


Fostering a supportive community

for those affected.


Promoting health and well-being, supporting equitable access to healthcare, and helping individuals facing health-related

challenges within society.


Raising awareness about long Covid, promoting research to better understand and treat the condition, advocating for accessible and comprehensive healthcare.


Fostering a supportive community

for those affected.

What is Long Covid And Who Does It Affect?

...Creating HOPE

Long COVID refers to a range of persistent symptoms experienced by individuals after recovering from COVID-19, affecting people of all ages and health conditions, and commonly includes fatigue, respiratory issues, cognitive difficulties, and other long-lasting physical and psychological impairments.

Long COVID can affect anyone and everyone of all ages.

Why Was Adventure Bucket Wish Created?

...Finding HOPE

When our Founder Holly Porter was in her Coma with COVID-19, one of the 70 days she spent in the hospital, Holly was gifted and schooled the idea to create Adventure Bucket Wish Foundation. She was an extreme case, being intubated two times, and had a trach. She knows her story is nothing short of a miracle.

Holly saw a need for support for those like her, with long COVID. The World didn't have answers, since COVID was a new disease. There are 65+ million sufferes of long COVID. estimated 1 out of every 5 who got COVID has long COVID.

With others' support, Adventure Bucket Wish Foundation is on a mission to improve the lives of Long COVID sufferers through their impactful and transformative initiatives.

We HOPE to have your support as well!

What Where Doing To Make A Difference?

... HOPE for the possibilities

The foundation is here to support, build community, and of course gift wishes large or small for those who have life-long health issues from COVID.

Adventure Bucket Wish Foundation has a community where those with long COVID can feel heard, and a place where they can get mental and physical health care resources that specialize in COVID care.


Podcast coming Jan 2, 2024

"Hopeful Horizons: The bridge where hope and healing meet.

Our first annual fundraiser gala was held on November 12, 2022.

*Photos Below are of some vacations, Adventure Bucket Wish auctioned off at the gala  and others are of the gala evening.


Podcast coming

Jan 2, 2024

"Hopeful Horizons: The bridge where hope and healing meet.

Our first annual fundraiser gala was held on November 12, 2022.

*Photos Below are of some vacations, Adventure Bucket Wish auctioned off at the gala and others are of the gala evening.

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Donation Options

With your contribution, we can provide critical assistance to long haul covid suffers who need help most, including healthcare, basic necessities and making wishes become a reality. 

By working together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of millions of long haul covid sufferers around the United States.

Adventure Bucket Wish is a 501(c)(3) public charity and a non-profit corporation. Our federal tax ID number is 88-1582881

Donation With Debit Or Credit Card

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Contribute With A Purchase

All profits from any item purchased below go to

Thank You for your generosity.


The Acumullit SA technology allows the beneficial properties of the whole food botanical ingredients be preserved and enhanced.

A state-of-the-art extraction process triggers the activation of the botanical compounds, so that nano-particles of the active compounds can be isolated without other substances in the plant.

This causes a thinning of the cellular membranes of the fruits, herbs and seeds, and a release of the botanical components like micro and macro elements, phytonutrients, bioflavonoids and organic acids, making them more bioavailable.

The isolated particles are forming negatively charged nano elements, creating an activated mix of highly absorbable nutrients. The activated mix of preserved and enhanced whole food plant extracts is then added to a caramel mass from which the lozenge drops are made.

Scott Porter

"Thanks to APLGO DNA drops, my long COVID symptoms have significantly decreased. These drops have been a natural and effective aid in my journey towards better health and recovery."

Norita Sorensen

""APLGO botanical drops have been a true lifeline during my long COVID journey. With their support, my symptoms have eased, my stamina has improved, and I'm finally regaining my quality of life. Forever grateful for this incredible product It has changed my life!"

Christina Tama-Sweet

"DNA botanical drops have been a ray of hope in my long COVID battle. They've boosted my energy levels, enhanced my immune system, and brought me closer to full recovery. Grateful beyond words!"

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